In a car accident, fault is applied to the person who caused the accident. They may have been driving recklessly, had a mechanical issue, or hydroplaned on a rainy day. Whatever caused the accident, the person at fault is responsible for reimbursing the other party’s expenses. A car accident is a stressful and confusing event, […]
'Local Law News' Category Archives
California Bicycle Accident Injury Statistics
While riding a bike is a healthy, eco-friendly mode of transportation, sharing the road with cars can be dangerous, especially in the urban cities of California. Since the body of a car isn’t designed to protect cyclists, they are at far higher risk of serious injury or death if they collide with a vehicle. A […]
What is a Landlord’s Liability For Slip and Fall Injuries?
Slipping and falling at your apartment can be a challenging situation to handle because several factors go into determining who is at fault for your injury. Our slip and fall attorneys in Sacramento can simplify the process of seeking compensation if you believe that your landlord was responsible for your fall. When Is a Landlord […]
How Much Can Someone Sue for After a Car Accident in California?
If you’re in a car accident resulting in injuries, you may incur medical bills and repair costs for your vehicle. You may also have to take time off work to recover, leading to lost wages and financial struggles. If the at-fault driver causes you injuries or property damage in California, you may be able to […]
Can You File a Personal Injury Claim if You Weren’t Wearing a Seatbelt in a Crash?
Using a seatbelt helps you stay secure in your vehicle and reduces injuries. Seatbelts saved an estimated 14,995 lives in 2017, and an additional 2,549 lives could have been saved if seatbelts had been used. In California, seatbelts are not only legally required but not wearing them can incur a fine of $162 for adults. […]
Failing to Wear a Motorcycle Helmet Could Affect Your Personal Injury Claim
Motorcycle accidents are one of the most dreadful accidents you can suffer, especially if you’re not wearing a helmet. Cruising through open roads brings a freedom that many riders enjoy. Unfortunately, that sense of freedom comes with a risk. Head injuries are the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents. Consequently, all motorcyclists need to […]
Can Over-the-Counter Meds Cause Impaired Driving?
Driving while using over-the-counter (OTC) medications is a common occurrence. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recorded that 13% of daytime drivers tested positive for prescription or OTC medication in 2018. Drivers often mistakenly consider the effects of OTC medication harmless when it comes to driving ability. However, a 2020 study showed that those who […]
The Risk Drivers Face as They Age
Older adults face more risks on the road than younger drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 13% of deadly car crashes in 2020 involved drivers aged 65 or older. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these crashes place all involved parties at risk but are far more […]
Signs Someone Suffered a Brain Injury in a Crash
Car crashes can result in closed-head injuries—injuries to the brain but not the skull—making them hard to diagnose. However, without visible evidence of damage, victims themselves can make the mistake of trying to move on with their lives without seeking a thorough medical check. Being able to recognize brain-injury symptoms can help you learn when […]
How Long Does a Sacramento Personal Injury Case Take?
Sacramento personal injury laws allow compensation to individuals involved in automobile accidents, slip-and-fall, dog bites, or any other accident caused by a party at fault. However, several factors impact the amount or how soon the plaintiff receives the compensation. Some factors can be influenced by the plaintiff or their personal injury attorney, while others are […]