Parking lot and driveway accidents often involve cars backing over pedestrians or cyclists. These accidents can cause devastating injuries and require costly medical procedures and lengthy recovery times for victims. Learn who is considered at fault for backover accidents and how Berg Injury Lawyers can help you seek fair compensation for injuries you sustained in […]
'Local Law News' Category Archives
A Survival Guide for Driving on the Freeway in California
California traffic can be crazy, and driving on the freeway may seem overwhelming if you’re a new driver or usually drive in another state. Traveling at high speeds or in congested traffic increases your risk of being involved in an accident. You should follow all driving safety rules, like always wearing seat belts. Learn some […]
Here Are the Top Three Reasons Fatal Crashes Happen in Oakland
Two crashes happen every week that cause severe or fatal injuries in Oakland, and 75% of them occur at intersections. People walking, biking, or taking public transportation make up 50% of severely or fatally injured accident victims but less than 30% of commuters. In Oakland, just a few streets account for 60% of all traffic […]
What Are California’s Right-of-Way Laws?
Right-of-way laws keep drivers and pedestrians safe on the roads. These rules outline who has the right-of-way in various circumstances to prevent car accidents and ensure everyone understands their responsibility when driving or walking on the street. Familiarizing yourself with California’s right-of-way laws can help you avoid accidents and identify when someone else isn’t following […]
How Do California’s Traffic Safety Laws Compare to Other States?
Safety on American roads is a critical issue in California and across the United States. Every state uses driving regulations to maintain traffic safety. A 2020 policy brief on state driving regulations reports an average of 135,000 of them per state. According to the brief, California has the most rules in the entire country, with […]
Is Eating While Driving Considered Distracted Driving?
Distracted driving is a leading cause of car crashes in the United States and in California. There are an average of almost 3,500 motor vehicle deaths in the Golden State every year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 15% of injuries and 9% of fatal crashes involved distracted driving in 2019. If […]
Learn the Top 5 Causes of Collisions in San Francisco
San Francisco has one of the lowest fatality rates of any county in the Bay Area. In terms of fatality rates per mile traveled, however, it is one of the most dangerous regions in the area. According to the San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency (SFMTA), many collisions can be attributed to these five common causes. […]
What Causes Jackknife Truck Accidents?
Jackknifing is a common type of trucking accident where the trailer of an articulated vehicle, such as a semi-truck, skids and spins toward the front. The trailer slides and pivots sharply, essentially folding over the vehicle. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, California ranks second in the nation for fatal truck accidents. Commercial […]
What Are Hedonic Damages—and Should You Include Them in Your Injury Claim?
Severe injuries lead to steep medical bills, lost wages from missing work, and significant pain and suffering. Part of the suffering associated with severe injuries is losing the ability to partake in life’s many joys. In the courts, hedonic damages are the name for an individual’s loss of enjoyment of life. In California, hedonic damages […]
Will New Traffic Sensors in Sacramento Actually Save Lives?
Like any city, Sacramento has roads that are more treacherous than others. A one-mile stretch of El Camino Avenue saw 143 crashes over a seven-year period. This is part of the reason why the Sacramento Department of Transportation is installing dilemma zone detection sensors. These sensors help drivers make safer driving decisions when approaching an […]