Summer Safety: Swimming-induced Pulmonary Edema

The term “secondary drowning” refers to when water gets into the lungs and irritates the inside of it – particularly the lining of the lungs. This irritation can result in the excessive buildup of fluid due to swelling, known as pulmonary edema. Unlike drowning or “dry drowning,” both of which occur instantly and need immediate medical treatment, swimming-induced pulmonary edema can take hours or several days to occur. However, when symptoms start, a victim must seek immediate medical treatment.


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Hit by a Car While Crossing the Street

California law requires motorists to avoid causing harm to pedestrians who are on or near the roadway. Specifically, when a pedestrian is in a marked crosswalk, motorists must yield to the right-of-way unless there is a traffic control device. Similarly, motorists must yield to the right-of-way to pedestrians who are in an unmarked crosswalk, which includes corners at an intersection that are not marked in white paint but serve as a natural crossing point.


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What Should I Do If I Am In An Accident With A Commercial Truck?

Unlike most motor vehicle accidents, commercial trucking accidents in California are more complicated and different than other types of personal injury cases. There are some unique issues with commercial truck accidents which are not present in other types of cases. As a result, there are certain things that victims and their families should do after an accident with a commercial truck. Learn more in this video.


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What are Depositions?

Depositions are an essential part of a car accident case. Sometimes referred to as examinations before trial or EBTs, depositions usually occur after the parties in a lawsuit have exchanged paper discovery and certain pleadings or formal legal papers alleging certain claims or defenses.


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Should I Give a Statement to the At-Fault Insurance Company after an Accident?

After a motor vehicle accident in northern California, the at-fault insurance company may ask you to provide them with a statement. Although seemingly innocent, the attorneys at Berg Injury Lawyers know that giving any statement to an insurance company is risky. That’s because insurance adjusters are well-trained at getting you to admit certain things that can negatively affect your case. This includes using certain statements you have made to shift fault against you or lower the amount of money you may be entitled to under the law.


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