What is a Slip and Fall Accident?

Generally, a slip and fall occurs when an individual is caused to slip, trip, or otherwise fall to the ground due to a defect or hazard on a walking surface, therefore resulting in an injury. There are many different types of slip and falls, including on spilled products, holes in the ground, slippery surfaces, or uneven walking surfaces.


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How Personal Injury Lawyers Calculate A Settlement Payment

Victims who are injured in an accident in California may be entitled to compensation. However, there is no magic formula to determine what that amount is. But the attorneys at Berg Injury Lawyers can help victims and their families understand what their case is potentially worth based on their legal team’s skill, education, and experience in handling these types of cases.


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Driverless Car Accidents

Driverless cars are not just a thing of the future, but are here now and rapidly becoming more common. Unfortunately, the car accident attorneys at Berg Injury Lawyers know that driverless cars do not necessarily mean safer cars. Although these newer vehicles may have more safety features than older vehicles, there are still serious or catastrophic traffic accidents involving driverless cars.


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Hit By An 18-Wheeler

Some of the most devastating types of motor vehicle accidents are collisions with 18-wheelers. Occupants of smaller, passenger vehicles who are hit by an 18-wheeler are often catastrophically injured or wrongfully killed. Victims and their families should call the trucking accident attorneys at Berg Injury Lawyers for help after any type of 18-wheeler, big rig, box truck, or another type of truck wreck in northern California.


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Biker Hit by a Car

One of the most traumatic types of motor vehicle accidents is when a biker is hit by a car. Even where liability may appear obvious, the attorneys at Berg Injury Lawyers in northern California know that these can still be very complicated cases.


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